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Office 112 first floor, Kohinoor one Plaza, Jarranwala Road, Faisalabad Pakistan
about Misting System

Here Are Some Top 25 Frequently Asked Questions About Misting System


Q1. What is the difference between PSI, MPa, Kpa& bar?

PSI stands for pounds per square inch. MPa stands for mega Pascal, KPa stands for kilopascal. PSI, MPa, KPa& Bar are units of measurement of pressure, i.e., the force with which the water is pumped by a misting system. 1bar=14.504PSI. 1bar=100KPa 1bar=0.1MPa. 1MPa=145PSI

Q2. What is Mist?

Fine water droplets averaging 30-60 micron in size are termed as mist, often confused with fog, which is technically finer than mist i.e. 05-20 micron. Mist can produce artificially through a mid-pressure misting system that operates at 150-200 PSI. Mist can float in the air for 20 seconds, after which either it evaporates or falls to the ground.

Q3. What is Fog?

Ultra-fine water droplets averaging 05-20 micron in size are termed as fog. It can be produced artificially, through a high-pressure misting system that operates at 800-1000 PSI. Fog can float in the air for 90 seconds, after which it evaporates completely without wetting anything.

Q4. What is Spray?

Course water droplets averaging 100-300 micron in size are termed as spray. This can be produced artificially through a low-pressure misting system that operates at 20-40 PSI. Spray droplets are effective for bathing cows & birds and spraying vegetation. You cannot expect spray to work like mist & fog.

Q5. How do misting systems work?

At its core, a misting system consists of a network of pipes, nozzles, a pump, and a water source. The pump works like heart to create the pressure required to force water through specialized nozzles, creating a cloud-like mist which evaporates instantly to cool & humidify the surrounding air.

Q6. What are different types of misting systems?

There are three types of misting systems.

  1. a) High-pressure misting systems operate at 800-1000 PSI. Ultra-fine water droplets averaging 05-20 micron in size are produced which are termed as fog. This none wetting fog can be installed literally anywhere to obtain outstanding results. To date, these are the most advance & effective type of misting systems.
  2. b) Mid-pressure misting systems operate at 150-200 PSI. Water droplets averaging 30-60 micron in size are produced which are termed as mist. Bigger droplets are obviously heavier, thus they stay airborne for limited time i.e. 20 seconds after which either they evaporate or may fall to the ground. Mid-pressure misting systems are not suitable for indoor use. These can be applied for limited outdoor locations. However these are cost effective compared to high-pressure misting systems.
  3. c) Low-pressure misting systems operate at 20-40 PSI. Water droplets averaging 100-300 micron in size are produced which are termed as spray. These are not suitable for most locations due to coarse droplet size. Lot of wetting & hassle can make your experience worst. However these can be used for agriculture irrigation, spraying the fields, bathing cows and birds.

Q7. Can I improve low-pressure misting system to get better results?

No it won’t work, the parts for all three types of misting systems are different & cannot be intermixed. Don’t waste money & your precious time on any experimentation.

Q8. Considering higher cost of high pressure misting can I opt for mid pressure misting?

On a hot summer day, mid pressure mist cooling is better than nothing at all. Definitely, you can go for mid pressure mist if affordability is a problem.

Q9. How much cooling can be expected by a high pressure misting system?

Cooling efficiency of a high pressure misting system depends upon relative humidity (RH). Lower the RH higher will be the temperature reduction & vice versa. With RH below 40% the heat reduction is around 10C. For RH 40-55% the heat reduction is around 8C & for RH 56-70% the heat reduction may be around 3-6C.

Q10. What sequence should be set at misting system timer?

Start it with 10 seconds on & 20 seconds off. Step up on time 15 seconds or more if you want to improve the cooling impact & vice versa. You can increase the off time to control too much fog. A balanced combination of both i.e. on time & off time serves the purpose. However, you may need readjustment with the changing weather.

Q11. Where is misting system more effective, indoors or outdoors?

High pressure misting is equally effective for both, however there are different models for indoor & outdoor use. While mid pressure misting is restricted to outdoor use.

Q12. Is misting system safe for make-up, paint, wood, metal & electric appliances?

High pressure misting system is absolutely safe because nothing gets wet. The use of on/off timer should well be appropriate. For indoor use, RH controller is used to maintain humidity at a safer range.

Q13. How effective is a misting system in humid season?

High-pressure misting system is effective in humid season as well, but the cooling impact is comparably lower than what you will experience in the dry season.

For example: In humid season if humidity reaches 70% – 80%, maximum reduction in heat may be approximately 4C. Compared to dry season with humidity around 40% – 50% maximum heat reduction may be 10C.

Q14. Can anyone install misting systems, is DIY possible?

Installation of misting systems looks easy, practically it is entirely opposite. There is no short cut to competency, installation requires skills & experience otherwise misting can become a nightmare. Therefore we do not recommend DIY.

Q15. Is misting system safe for health?

High-pressure misting system is absolutely safe, in fact it helps respiratory system, just like nebulization to ensure fast recovery against flu, cough, Asthma, dust / pollen allergies, skin & hair dryness etc.

Q16. How durable a misting system is?

Quality of parts decides the durability factor for all three types of misting systems. However high pressure misting systems last longest in comparison with mid pressure & low pressure misting systems.

A medium quality high pressure misting system may last for 6 years at normal usage while in case of prolonged use it might last for just 2 years. In comparison a high quality high pressure misting system may last for 12 years at normal usage while in case of prolonged use it might last for 4 years.

Mid pressure misting systems may last for 3-4 years, while a low pressure misting system may last for 6-12 months. Please note low-pressure misting systems cannot be used for longer period because of low quality & nobody offers warranty for low pressure misting systems.

Q17. How much water is consumed by a misting system?

Water consumption varies, depending upon weather conditions, pump size & number of nozzles applied. More water will be consumed in hot & dry season. For example: 1L/min capacity misting system may consume approx. 10L/H in a normal season, on contrary 45L/H in dry season. While 4L/min capacity system may consume 40L/H in a normal season, on contrary 180L/H in a dry season.

Q18. How much electricity is consumed by a misting system?

When we compare the efficiency with power consumption, high pressure misting systems prove to be the most energy efficient. They consume electricity as little as 0.2 units or kW/h to cool 1500 square feet & 0.4 units or kW/h for 3000 square feet outdoor area. For indoor cooling & humidification of 30,000 cubic feet area, the electricity consumption is as little as 0.15 unit or kw/h, i.e. 50 times less compared to air conditioning.

This makes high pressure misting systems world’s most energy efficient solutions for cooling &humidification.

Q19. How do misting systems suppress dust & pollen?

Pollutants like dust & pollen are hygroscopic in nature, they tend to donate their inherent moisture during dry season, what helps them to stay airborne for a longer period. Misting systems evaporate moisture to increase the air humidity, which returns the borrowed moisture back to the said pollutants. This suppresses the particles of dust & pollen by making them heavier to stay airborne, in this manner the air is purified via unique filtration.

Q20. Does water quality affect the performance of a misting system?

Higher water TDS level means higher salt content, which may clog nozzles more frequently.

Ideally drinking quality water must be used i.e. TDS level below 350 ppm.

Q21. Do we have to replace the clogged nozzles?

Clogged nozzles can be cleaned by dipping their heads in concentrated acetic acid for 10 min. Proper procedure has to be followed for optimum results.

Q22. What to do if water TDS level is higher?

A reverse osmosis plant can be used for desalination. Various capacity RO plants are available according to the water consumption & TDS level.

Q23. How about cooling water before feeding to a misting system?

Water temperature does not have a great influence upon the cooling impact through evaporation. At 32º C it takes 2.268 kilocalories to evaporate a gallon of water. In comparison at 10º C it takes 2.192 kilocalories to evaporate a gallon of water. This means 3.5% more heat can be reduced, but the cost to chill 32C water up to 10C is not affordable.

Q24. Does misting system require maintenance?

Misting system should be serviced at the start of each summer season. While during the season, periodic replacement of filters & high pressure Pump oil is necessary. Occasional cleaning of nozzles may also be required, depending upon water quality & frequency of usage.

Q25. Why is there so much variation in the price of various misting systems?

The price varies with the quality of components used. You get what you pay for, good quality is not cheap. High-pressure misting systems are most dependable & the most expensive amongst the three types. Second comes the mid-pressure systems with mid-price range. Third stands the low-pressure misting systems with low price & compromised affectivity.

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