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Office 112 first floor, Kohinoor one Plaza, Jarranwala Road, Faisalabad Pakistan
Misting System Work

At its core, a high-pressure misting system consists of a network of pipes, nozzles, a pump, and a water source. The magic happens when water is pressurized and forced through specialized nozzles, creating a cloud-like mist that cools the surrounding air. Let’s discuss the intricacies of the misting system to understand how it works.

pressure misting system

The misting system operates on the principle of evaporative cooling.

The following steps indicate how high-pressure misting systems operate:

  1. Drinking quality water is filtered before feeding to a high-pressure misting pump.
  2. The pump creates 800-1000 PSI pressure to push water through delivery tubes & misting accessories.
  3. Nozzles filter the pumped water again & open their anti-drip valve to force pressurized water through an ultra-tiny hole (0.15-0.4 mm) inside the nozzle head.
  4. Water is converted into billions of tiny droplets while passing through nozzle heads, in the form of fog.
  5. This non wetting fog (10-15 micron in size) evaporates instantly, after absorbing heat drawn from the surrounding air, to cool & humidify the environment.
  6. The process of fog emission is captivating to watch & adds aesthetic value to the installed facility.
  7. Pollutants like dust, pollen, smoke settle down to purify the air.
  8. Flying insects flee the area.


At Aves Fog we offer top-quality Italian high-pressure pumps & Taiwanese misting accessories for unmatched performance & durability.

Aves high-pressure misting systems are available in various capacities: 0.5LPM, 1LPM, 2LPM, 4LPM, 6LPM, 8 LPM, 12LPM, 16LPM, and 24LPM.

We have vast experience in the fields of mist humidification &mist cooling. Our solutions are comprehensive & energy efficient. One year warranty is offered for our products.

No one can beat us in quality-to-price ratio, skills & experience, and after-sale services.


  1. Electricity connection close to misting Pump
  2. Water reservoir to hold some water
  3. Drinking quality water (TDS below 300 ppm)
  4. Building structure to mount tubes & accessories.

Aves high-pressure misting systems are available in various capacities: 0.5LPM, 1LPM, 2LPM, 4LPM, 6LPM, 8 LPM, 12LPM, 16LPM, and 24LPM.

We have vast experience in the fields of mist humidification &mist cooling. Our solutions are comprehensive & energy efficient. One year warranty is offered for our products.

mist humidification &mist cooling

No one can beat us in quality-to-price ratio, skills & experience, and after-sale services.


  1. Electricity connection close to misting Pump
  2. Water reservoir to hold some water
  3. Drinking quality water (TDS below 300 ppm)
  4. Building structure to mount tubes & accessories.

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