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Office 112 first floor, Kohinoor one Plaza, Jarranwala Road, Faisalabad Pakistan

Extensive Use Of Misting System May Cause Water Scarcity

Misting System May Cause Water Scarcity

This is a myth, let’s understand how much water is consumed by a misting system, in comparison with how much electricity it saves.

According to IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 95L of water is required to generate 1 kWh of electricity.

An AC (1.5 tons capacity) will consume approx. 1kWhelectricity/hour i.e. 95L water per hour will be used to generate electricity to run1.5 ton AC.

If we are using 10 AC (1.5 ton capacity) we would require 950L water per hour to generate the required electricity i.e. 10kWh.

In comparison, a twenty nozzle misting system is enough for the area where we are using 10 AC. It will consume electricity as little as 0.2kWh. Water required to produce 0.2kwh electricity is19L, while the misting system will evaporate 50L (maximum) water per hour. Collectively it will require 79L water per hour, for both power generation & evaporation.

Summarized results indicate:

  1. Indoor misting systems consume 50 times less electricity compared to AC.
  2. Misting system will save water 10 folds than the quantity of water it consumes.

Therefore replacing AC with misting systems will actually save water, which had to be used to generate electricity to run AC.

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