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Office 112 first floor, Kohinoor one Plaza, Jarranwala Road, Faisalabad Pakistan

What is Mist?

what is mist

Mist is a phenomenon that occurs naturally when warm humid air suddenly comes in contact with the cool air, resulting in condensation. Air-suspended water droplets averaging 30-60 microns in size are termed as mist. It is not dense, though limits visibility to 3km. Mist may lead to the formation of a rainbow.

It is often confused with fog which is technically much finer than mist i.e. 05-20 micron. Fog may decrease visibility to 1 km or less depending upon its concentration.

Can we produce mist artificially?

Yes! Mist can be produced artificially through a mid-pressure misting system that operates at 150-200 PSI pressure. The mid-pressure pump, delivery system, nozzles & various other parts convert water into mist. Artificially produced mist can float in the air for 20 seconds, after which it either evaporates or falls to the ground.

Uses of Mist

Uses of Mist

Mist is effective for cooling livestock, dairy & poultry farms, zoos, aviaries, greenhouses, pets, etc., and for dust, fluff & smoke suppression. Mist is best suited for projects with low budgets.

Aves Fog

At Aves Fog, quality is the utmost priority. We have a variety of models for mid-pressure misting systems which operate at 150-200 PSI pressure, curtsey of top quality pumps& accessories

Electricity Consumption

Aves mid pressure misting systems consume electricity as little as:
1LPM/ 80 watts, 2LPM/160 watts, 4LPM/250 watts, 6LPM/ 375 watts, 12LPM/ 750 watts, 16LPM/ 750 watts

Skills & Experience
Our skilled workers understand the limitation of mid-pressure misting much better. Loads of experience in variety of fields guides them, where & how to utilize mid-pressure misting systems to obtain desirable results while saving money for our valuable customers.

Warranty & After-Sale Services
We offer one year warranty for our mid-pressure misting systems. The availability of spare parts & after-sale services remains available 24/7.

No one can beat us in quality to price ratio, skills & experience and after sale services.

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